I really don't like Genetic Engineering and here is A LOT of reasons why!!!
This covers Standard:
S7L3.c and S7L4.c
In my personal opinion genetic engineering is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. What they do to the animals, and with their genes doesn’t seem right. Some people might say bigger meat, better food, and more food. But it doesn’t seem right. Even if you get all those things, lots of other bad things would happen too. It’s not that it’s gross that makes me believe that it’s bad, it’s the outcome of the mixing up of traits. There basically just messing around with animals and their genes! There just trying to make an easy buck or just go crazy and see how far this “Genetic Engineering” can go. Next thing you know they’re going to start to test it on people, then they start making humans larger without steroids, then they make wings for humans to fly, then they might just go absolutely crazy and start to make humans glow in the dark! These scientists have all the info and brains to do anything with mixing up traits! And some don’t know when to stop! And I can guaranteed you, it’s not going to stop at animals!
Another reason why I think that GE is crazy, is because of the health risk and issues. Genetically engineered foods have caused the deaths of thirty seven people and caused 1,500 to be partially paralyzed. 5,000 more people were temporarily disabled by a syndrome that was finally linked to Tryptophan made by genetically engineered bacteria! (AKA: GE CAUSES DEATH!!) Also Arpad Pusztai, a former Scotland Rowett Research Institute researcher and world's leading lections and plant genetic modification expert did his research and found out that rats (his test subjects) fed on the GM potatoes, and now the rats have smaller livers, hearts, testicles and brains, damaged immune systems, and showed structural changes in their white blood cells making them more vulnerable to infection and disease compared to other rats fed non-GMO potatoes. All of that happened to the rats who fed on the GM potatoes! Now imagine if those same potatoes went into the market. This food isn’t good! This food kills humans and animals on the inside and we don’t even know it! This is only my 1st reason why I think this GE stuff and messing around with traits is a bad idea! Someone could get hurt! And it could be us!

Another reason why I think that GE is insane, is because of the crops. For example, an engineered gene may cause a GE crop (or a wild relative of that crop) to become invasive or toxic to wildlife. When this happens most or all of your crops near the GE is crop is either harmed or destroyed. Think about it, if you were a farmer and you wanted a GE crop that grows faster than all the other crops in your field, you would be only focusing on money and how fast you get it. You wouldn’t even think off all the chemicals and weird things going on in that specific GE crop. So you place it in the middle of all your crops. Chances are, in a few weeks your crops would all be damaged because of that crop! This has happened to a lot of farmers all over the US! And when they place the GE crops lots of bad things happen to the crops and us too. Maybe a normal crop was next to the GE one, and it was infected with some disease that wasn’t obvious to the farmer. When the farmer eats it or tries to sell it. Bad things will start to the farmer or the person that bought it. This also goes with my 1st reason the health risk. If the diseased crop and the GE crop goes out into the public and goes into the market, people would eat it and not even know it was a GE crop! Even though it might not even go out into the public, it could still affect many other crops and humans when they eat it. You never know, some GE crops could be fatal. When they mix up genes and traits you’re not really sure whether sure it’s safe. Like in the video when they put a jellyfish trait (glowing green in dark) into a rabbit. You might not even know if it’s safe to eat because of all the weird traits and chromosomes and genes inside in it. You might not even know if it was a GE rabbit! This is my 2nd reason why I think GE foods and GE
animals and testing are not right.
My 3rd reason why GE is a terrible idea is because it’s unethical and it causes ethical problems. Some of these problems include cloning. The first type of cloning was exhibited by Dolly in 1996. The death of Dolly in 2003 posed many questions about the safety of genetic engineering and cloning. There are many questions but no answers. There are also some social questions on the internet about ethical problems with GE for ex. Who will have access to these technologies and how will scarce resources—such as medical advances and novel treatments—be allocated? (For all the consumers know crazy people in crazy labs could be doing crazy things and creating crazy things and trying to pass them off as normal and good for you! If Hitler got his hands on this technology and this info he could be making animals blow up and using them as weapons and other crazy things! All you need is the materials, the mind and the craziness in you to do all sorts of things with this! There are a lot more questions that are on websites and everywhere, but no answers, and if there are answers, are they lies or the truth? If you don’t know what really happens in these labs or farms, then why trust them with your food? Don’t take the risk of GE foods!
My 4th reason why I think GE is a bad idea is because many scientists and people don’t know where and when to stop with this GE idea. Genetically engineering is new and nobody knows how far it can go. You can mix traits up and clone and all other kinds of things. There are a lot of animals on this planet, so that’s a lot of animals you can test on, and that’s a lot of traits you can mix up. Also scientists are finding newer species and newer animals. This GE can go out of hand and next thing you know, countries will be fighting and seeing who can take it to the “final level.” If it’ possible they will always find a way. Some scientists can just go so crazy over this new technology the limits are impossible. They will probably try to get the traits and genes from extinct animals and put them in us or animals. Or go to a planet and kidnap aliens and steal their traits and put them into us or animals. There trying to change everything about us and animals! They figured out how to get to the moon, they figured out lots of other things. So they can probably find lots of other crazy ideas to put into humans and animals and more. This is my 4th reason why I don’t like the sound of GE foods and animals.

In conclusion I think that GE is a terrible and disgusting thing. What they are doing to the animals as test subjects aren’t right. (Just because we can mess around and play with traits doesn’t mean we should. Just because they made cigarettes for smoking doesn’t mean we should do it. Just because we have free speech doesn’t mean we can talk while a teacher is talking.) The whole idea of it is just wrong and plain messed up. The way they use cows, fish, and rabbits in the video is just disgusting. The cows look like a mini King Kong, the fish look like they are talking drugs, and rabbits just glow in the dark so when a predator comes they die easily! Some GE can look fun and cool but it’s really not. My 5 reasons explain why I think GE is wrong and bad and I think that they are very good reasons on why GE is bad.
-Andy Iyabor
This covers Standard:
S7L3.c and S7L4.c

Another reason why I think that GE is insane, is because of the crops. For example, an engineered gene may cause a GE crop (or a wild relative of that crop) to become invasive or toxic to wildlife. When this happens most or all of your crops near the GE is crop is either harmed or destroyed. Think about it, if you were a farmer and you wanted a GE crop that grows faster than all the other crops in your field, you would be only focusing on money and how fast you get it. You wouldn’t even think off all the chemicals and weird things going on in that specific GE crop. So you place it in the middle of all your crops. Chances are, in a few weeks your crops would all be damaged because of that crop! This has happened to a lot of farmers all over the US! And when they place the GE crops lots of bad things happen to the crops and us too. Maybe a normal crop was next to the GE one, and it was infected with some disease that wasn’t obvious to the farmer. When the farmer eats it or tries to sell it. Bad things will start to the farmer or the person that bought it. This also goes with my 1st reason the health risk. If the diseased crop and the GE crop goes out into the public and goes into the market, people would eat it and not even know it was a GE crop! Even though it might not even go out into the public, it could still affect many other crops and humans when they eat it. You never know, some GE crops could be fatal. When they mix up genes and traits you’re not really sure whether sure it’s safe. Like in the video when they put a jellyfish trait (glowing green in dark) into a rabbit. You might not even know if it’s safe to eat because of all the weird traits and chromosomes and genes inside in it. You might not even know if it was a GE rabbit! This is my 2nd reason why I think GE foods and GE
animals and testing are not right.
My 3rd reason why GE is a terrible idea is because it’s unethical and it causes ethical problems. Some of these problems include cloning. The first type of cloning was exhibited by Dolly in 1996. The death of Dolly in 2003 posed many questions about the safety of genetic engineering and cloning. There are many questions but no answers. There are also some social questions on the internet about ethical problems with GE for ex. Who will have access to these technologies and how will scarce resources—such as medical advances and novel treatments—be allocated? (For all the consumers know crazy people in crazy labs could be doing crazy things and creating crazy things and trying to pass them off as normal and good for you! If Hitler got his hands on this technology and this info he could be making animals blow up and using them as weapons and other crazy things! All you need is the materials, the mind and the craziness in you to do all sorts of things with this! There are a lot more questions that are on websites and everywhere, but no answers, and if there are answers, are they lies or the truth? If you don’t know what really happens in these labs or farms, then why trust them with your food? Don’t take the risk of GE foods!
My 4th reason why I think GE is a bad idea is because many scientists and people don’t know where and when to stop with this GE idea. Genetically engineering is new and nobody knows how far it can go. You can mix traits up and clone and all other kinds of things. There are a lot of animals on this planet, so that’s a lot of animals you can test on, and that’s a lot of traits you can mix up. Also scientists are finding newer species and newer animals. This GE can go out of hand and next thing you know, countries will be fighting and seeing who can take it to the “final level.” If it’ possible they will always find a way. Some scientists can just go so crazy over this new technology the limits are impossible. They will probably try to get the traits and genes from extinct animals and put them in us or animals. Or go to a planet and kidnap aliens and steal their traits and put them into us or animals. There trying to change everything about us and animals! They figured out how to get to the moon, they figured out lots of other things. So they can probably find lots of other crazy ideas to put into humans and animals and more. This is my 4th reason why I don’t like the sound of GE foods and animals.

My 5th and last reason why I don’t like GE is because poor animals die in experiments, or just come out deformed and looking crazy like a 2 headed frog or a mice with 4 antennas. These scientists should care about these poor little animals that die mostly 95% of the time with their silly little experiments. It’s getting way out of hand and it’s not going to stop at just animals. They are already doing it on humans. When the humans die or get deformed, maybe they will understand that this is a bad idea and it’s going to blow up in their faces. My 5th reason is caring for the animals that are tested and come out deformed and looking crazy. They die left and right and some scientists swear that they aren’t doing it for money, they promise they are doing it for the animals. Like on the video, with the chickens. In my opinion the chickens looked ugly without their feathers. And they said they did it because it’s hot and no chicken would want feathers in the summer time, but they are actually doing it so they don’t have to do the extra work. So they obviously don’t care about the animals because cloning is a fail and lots of animals die or get deformed in the process. So this is my 5th and last reason why I think that cloning and GE is a silly and bad idea.

-Andy Iyabor
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