Standard S7L1:
Students will investigate the diversity of living organisms and how they can be compared scientifically.
Element A:
Demonstrate the process for the development of a dichotomous key.
Element B:
Classify organisms based on physical characteristics using a dichotomous key of the six kingdom systems.
Definition of dichotomous key- A dichotomous key is constructed using contrasting characteristics to divide the organisms in the key into smaller and smaller groups; each time a choice is made, a number of organisms are eliminated.
Dichotomous keys are a very small unit that contains very basic information. Basically what a key does is just tells them apart. Animals can be very similar sometimes, but the dichotomous key tells the VERY little differences between them. Its very easy and I will elaborate on it just a little bit so you can get a basic understanding of it. I will be talking about the 6 kingdoms and that's pretty much it for this standard. Good luck!!!

Plantae- You are probably quite familiar with the members of this kingdom as it contains all the plants that you have come to know - flowering plants, mosses, and ferns. Plants are all multicellular and consist of complex cells.
Animalia- The animal kingdom is the largest kingdom with over 1 million known species. All animals consist of many complex cells. They are also heterotrophs. Most or all members of the animal kingdom are found in the most diverse environments in the world.
Fungi- Fungi are organisms that biologists once confused with plants, however, unlike plants, fungi cannot make their own food. Most obtain their food from parts of plants that are decaying in the soil. Mushrooms, mold and mildew are all examples of organisms in the kingdom fungi. And most fungi are multicellular and consists of many complex cells.
Protista- Most protists are unicellular. You may be wondering why those protists are not classified in the Archaebacteria or Eubacteria kingdoms. It is because, unlike bacteria, protists are complex cells. Slime molds and algae are protists. Sometimes they are called the odds and ends kingdom because its members are so different from one another. Protists include all microscopic organisms that are not bacteria, not animals, not plants and not fungi.
Archaebacteria- In 1983, scientists tool samples from a spot deep in the Pacific Ocean where hot gases and molten rock boiled into the ocean form the Earth’s interior. To their surprise they discovered unicellular (one cell) organisms in the samples. These organisms are today classified in the kingdom, Archaebacteria.
Eubacteria- Like archaebacteria, eubacteria are complex and single celled. Most bacteria are in the EUBACTERIA kingdom. They are the kinds found everywhere and are the ones people are most familiar with. Eubacteria are classified in their own kingdom because their chemical makeup is different.
And thats just some info that is very good for you to learn about the 6 kingdoms!!!
I got the pictures from google images, and i got the video from
-Andy Iyabor
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